New Spray Park
Opening Late Summer 2015

City Park Revitalization Project
The City of Edmonds has planned a long time to add a spray play area to it oldest and much cherished downtown park, City Park. In fact, the City adopted a Master Plan for this park in 1992, which included a spray play area. Every year since 1992, the project has been identified in the Capital Facilities Plan for the City. This dream will become a reality in 2015.
The project includes an expanded footprint of the play area (the new playground opened July 2014), complete replacement of the aged play equipment, and adding a spray play area. The City was successful in being awarded a matching grant of $500,000 from Washington State Recreation Conservation Office, a very competitive Parks and Recreation fund that is open every two years. The City budgeted $500,000 from the City's Parks Capital budget for 2013 to match with the grant.
Snohomish County recently awarded the City $80,000 from a recent bond sale to help fund this project. The County has been supportive of Edmonds with several projects over the past few years, and the City is very appreciative of their assistance.
Hazel Miller Foundation awarded the City $270,000 ($135,000 for 2013, and $135,000 for 2014). The City is very thankful and appreciative of this recent award, and plans to name the Spray area after Hazel Miller.
City Park Revitalization Project Documents
View the Critical Areas Report by Landau Associates
Wetland Delineation Report