Transportation Committee

The Transportation Plan is a planning document identifying existing transportation infrastructure and proposed roadway and active transportation projects needed to enhance the safety and mobility of the City’s transportation system. The Transportation Plan will serve as the transportation element of the City of Edmonds Comprehensive Plan Update.

Work on this began in Spring 2023 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024. Transpo Group is the lead consultant for completing this plan. Both the Comprehensive Plan Update and the Transportation Plan are being completed concurrently. A Transportation Committee is needed to assist in the completion of this document, with the following purposes: 

Review of Policies and objectives to be included in document;
Discuss Multimodal Transportation Level of Service (LOS); 
Monitor and make recommendations relative to active transportation issues; and
Act as an advisory role for Staff and the Mayor. 

If you have questions, please contact Bertrand Hauss at (425) 771-0220 or via e-mail at


For information about this project in another language, you may request, free of charge, language assistance services by contacting Bertrand Hauss.

Committee Members:
Yosef Goodman
Michael Snyder
David Marlow
Mary Kimball
Larry Fuell
Peter Moon
Luke Distelhorst
Susanna Martini, Planning Board
Susan Paine, Council Member

Transportation Consultants:
Patrick Lynch, Principle, Director of Planning Transpo Group
Chris Comeau, Senior Transportation Planner, Transpo Group

City Staff:
Navyusha Pentakota, Urban Design Planner, Planning Division
Bertrand Hauss, Transportation Engineer, Engineering Division