Planning and Development

The Planning and Development Department is responsible for land use information and approvals, building permit review and assistance; long-range city and regional planning; building inspection; coordination of development review processes, development standards, and enforcement of the community development code.

Our Mission Statement

We foster a sustainable, safe, and vibrant community for the people of Edmonds today and for generations to come. We guide equitable growth in alignment with the vision outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. Our work elevates quality of life and preserves our community's natural resources by prioritizing the safety, quality, and affordability of the built environment. We are committed to acting with integrity and honesty, serving all members of the community in a responsive, consistent, and respectful manner.


121 5th Ave N
Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220
Email: [email protected]


The permit counter is open for walk-in service (no appointment necessary) M-F 8:30am to 2:00pm.  We are closed for lunch daily between 12:00pm – 1:00pm. Meetings outside of walk-in hours are available by appointment.  Phone 425-771-0220. 

Planning and Development Permit Center staff are available M-F 8:00am to 4:30pm for Telephone and Digital/Remote access.

Department Organization

Administration Interim Director - Shane Hope 
Administrative Assistant - Heather Lakefish
Building Building Official - Ted Corey
Permitting Program Manager - Kristin Wrisley
Sr Permit Coordinator - Denise Nelson
Sr Permit Coordinator - Christina Barson
Building Inspector - Les Krestel 
Sr Combination Bldg. Inspector - Eric Carter
Plans Examiner - Marissa Rutler
Sr Plans Examiner - Donovan Akau
Planning Planning Manager - Michael Clugston
Urban Forest Planner - Vacant
Urban Design Planner - Navyusha Pentakota
  Senior Planner - Brad Shipley
  Associate Planner - Vacant
Planner - Tristan Sewell
Planner - Rose Haas
  Planner - Vacant
  Sr Administrative Assistant - Vacant
Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Officer - Karin Olson