4th Avenue Cultural Corridor

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A key feature of the original City Council-approved  Work Program in 2018 for the Edmonds Creative District was redevelopment of the 4th Avenue Cultural Corridor, between Edmonds Center for the Arts (ECA) and Main Street, to become a unique destination within Downtown Edmonds.

The purpose of the project was to enhance this important pedestrian connection between Downtown Edmonds' premier arts/culture venue and the restaurant, shops and services of Main Street and heart of Downtown Edmonds a safer, more welcoming, more inviting, and more interesting pedestrian experience, maximizing connectivity between Downtown and ECA.

Due to budgetary constraints, the project is on hold as of 2024.  Download a PDF flyer for information about the project.

Edmonds Creative District In The News!

Crosscut: "WA's First "Creative District Isn't Where You Think"

Governor Jay Inslee's Office Newsletter: "Arts and culture community in Edmonds beams brighter after earning new state certification"

Everett Herald: "A new sign on I-5 will point to Edmonds as an artistic hub"

Everett Herald Editorial: "Counting on economic power of creativity"

Edmonds Downtown Alliance: "Edmonds Stands for Creativity"

Seattle Magazine: "Edmonds Wows With Dining, Recreation and a Thriving New Creative District"

Edmonds Creative District Info

Current Creative District Goals
2018 Creative District Work Plan
Map of Creative District
Creative District Advisory Committee