The intersection of Maple Street and 7th Avenue will be closed from 7AM to 5PM on Tuesday, January 11th through Friday, January 14th as well as Tuesday, January 18th and Wednesday, January 19th to allow construction crews to install new storm pipe and structures.
During the closure:
- Vehicle traffic through the intersection will not be allowed from 7AM to 5PM
- Access to driveways will be maintained
- The 7th Ave and Maple St. intersection will be open over the weekend
- The intersection will be open during evening hours
- The sidewalks will be open; pedestrian detours crossing the intersection will be in place
The construction work is weather-dependent and is subject to change. We will continue to provide updates on the work schedule as adjustments are made.
This project is part of the City’s annual replacement program to replace and upgrade existing storm lines at various locations around the City that are reaching the end of their useful service life, are undersized, or have some other existing system deficiency.
If you have questions, please contact Greg Malowicki at (425) 771-0220 or via e-mail at [email protected]. For information about this project in another language, you may request, free of charge, language assistance services by contacting Greg Malowicki.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Greg Malowicki al (425) 771-0220 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]. Si desea obtener información sobre este proyecto en otro idioma, puede solicitar servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística poniéndose en contacto con Greg Malowicki.