Public Invited: RFA Annexation Town Hall Meetings

Public Invited to RFA Annexation Town Hall Meetings
Posted on 02/13/2025

Edmonds residents are invited to attend town hall meetings, titled “Annexation Answers: What the RFA Vote Means to You”, to learn information about the upcoming ballot measure for annexation to the Regional Fire Authority. Leadership from the City of Edmonds and South County Fire will present information and answer questions during these meetings.



  • Thursday, February 27th at 6:30pm in the Brackett Room at City Hall (121 5th Avenue N)
  • Wednesday, March 5th at 6:30pm in the Brackett Room at City Hall (121 5th Avenue N)
  • Thursday, March 27th at 6:30pm in the Brackett Room at City Hall (121 5th Avenue N)
  • Saturday, April 5th time at 10:30am at Edmonds-Woodway High School
  • Thursday, April 10th at 6:30pm in the Brackett Room at City Hall (121 5th Avenue N)

One of the town halls in March will be hybrid and available via Zoom, date will be announced. The City of Edmonds is holding a Special Election on April 22, 2025 asking voters to consider annexation into the South Snohomish Couty Fire and Rescue Regional Fire Authority. Edmonds City Council proposed annexation and approved this special election by resolution on January 7, 2025. Since 2009, Edmonds no longer operates its own fire department. Edmonds has contracted with South County Fire for fire and emergency medical services since 2010. That contract ends at the end of 2025. If annexation is approved by voters, Edmonds property owners would pay South County Fire directly for these services.

For further information about the ballot measure, please visit or email [email protected].