Applications for grant awards from the Lodging Tax Fund to promote 2022 events and programs in Edmonds that attract visitors from outside Edmonds are due in two weeks. The City of Edmonds Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) provides recommendations on the usage of City lodging tax revenue for the purposes of tourism promotion. These recommendations, approved by City Council in the annual City of Edmonds budget, include awarding grants to organizations that produce and promote events or programs that bring visitors to Edmonds. The award cycle is once a year. Applications for 2022 will be accepted until May 28, 2021.
Arts-related, not-for-profit organizations seeking grants up to $2,600 for events or programs that promote arts and culture-related tourism may apply through the City of Edmonds Arts Commission Tourism Promotion Awards program. Applications are available by contacting [email protected] or [email protected] .
Not-for-profit organizations seeking funds for any kind of event, activity or program that generally promotes tourism to Edmonds may apply directly to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for funding. Please contact Megan Luttrell at [email protected].
Both of these applications will be accepted until 5pm May 28, 2021.
The objectives of the LTAC awards are to help promote events and programs in Edmonds that attract visitors to Edmonds. All awards are reviewed and recommended by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for review and final approval by City Council as part of the 2022 budget.