The City of Edmonds Planning and Development Department is seeking applications for community liaisons to be part of the new Community Champions Network Initiative as part of the 2024 Edmonds Comprehensive Plan Update. The deadline for applications is February 12, 2024.
The City is committed to creating an updated 20-year Comprehensive Plan that is inclusive of, and responsive to the interests and priorities of all community members. As part of our commitment to transparent and accessible dialogue, the Comprehensive Plan is launching a Community Champions Network to bring diverse voices into the process and ensure Edmonds’ planning efforts reflect critical needs and priorities.
The Community Champions Network will comprise five to nine community liaisons – individuals who will be primarily recruited from local organizations. Liaisons will meet regularly to learn about, and discuss the planning process, its key themes, and help empower the broader community to share their feedback and priorities.
The Community Champions Network Initiative will bring these community liaisons together formally in a group to:
• Ensure community members from underrepresented and historically marginalized communities have meaningful opportunities to participate in the development of the Comprehensive Plan
• Support individual community members with civic engagement and build capacity in their communities
• Build long-term and trustful relationships between City staff and community members
• Build community support for future City actions and decisions
The liaison role will be compensated. Participation will involve approximately up to four hours of time each month.
To submit an application, please visit https://forms.office.com/g/TR92ecx9TJ?origin=lprLink. Applications are
due by 5pm on February 12, 2024.
For more information, please visit the Community Champions webpage or email
[email protected].
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