Traffic Calming Program

The City of Edmonds Traffic Calming Program is designed to assist residents and City staff in responding to neighborhood traffic issues related to speeding, cut-through traffic, and safety. Implementation of a traffic calming program allows local traffic concerns to be addressed consistently, and traffic calming measures to be efficiently developed and put into operation.

The main document below describes the Traffic Calming Program for the City of Edmonds and Exhibits A-C outline the process for neighborhoods to establish a traffic calming program.

Traffic Calming Program

Exhibit A - Traffic Calming Program Process
Phases 1, 2 and 3


As part of  the 2023 Traffic Calming Program, the City will be installing raised speed tables on 8th Ave. S between Elm Way and 15th St. SW and Olympic View Drive between Olympic Ave to High St. 

A speed table is a raised area placed across the roadway designed to physically limit the speed at which a vehicle can traverse it.  The two locations, 8th Ave S. and Olympic View Drive, were selected following the completion of a detailed evaluation where the existing 85th percentile travel speeds (the speed at or below which 85 percent of all vehicles are observed to travel past a specific location) were 33 mph along both stretches (with 25 mph speed limits).

In addition to the technical evaluation, the City conducted a survey of property owners along each street segment and well over 60% (minimum approval percentage) of the respondents supported the placement of the speed tables. The City’s Public Works Department is scheduled to install two speed tables on 8th Ave S. in late March and four speed tables on Olympic View Drive in April. The work may be postponed due to inclement weather.

Maps showing the approximate location of all proposed units:

       Olympic View Drive         8th Ave S
OVD Speed Table Map   8th Ave Speed Table Map


The City of Edmonds is requesting public input on the 2024 Traffic Calming Program. In 2024, this annual program has funding budgeted to address speeding concerns and/or reduce cut-through traffic on any street. The program consists of a three-phase process:

(1) Petition and Review for Qualification;
(2) Education / Enforcement; and
(3) Installation of Traffic Calming Devices.

In order for a location to be considered in the 2024 Traffic Calming Program, a Citizen Action Request (see Exhibit B below) and Petition Form (see Exhibit C below) need to be submitted to the City. The petition must have supporting signatures from at least eight different households within the area. City staff will evaluate each petition and determine if it qualifies for the Program. Projects deemed qualified will be prioritized and pursued based on available funding. In past years, the program has funded the installation of speed radar feedback signs, speed tables, signing and pavement markings. Alternative solutions may be considered depending on location and the traffic concern.

In order for your street to be considered for the Program, please submit the Petition Form by April 30, 2024 by mail or email to:

Mr. Bertrand Hauss
City of Edmonds - Transportation Engineer
121 5th Ave N Edmonds, WA 98020
[email protected]

Exhibit B - Citizen Action Request (Phase 1)

Exhibit C - Neighborhood Petition From (Phase 1)