Phase 11 Waterline Replacement



Annual  waterline improvement projects to maintain reliability and integrity of City's water system. This year's waterline replacement sites will include:

  • 76th Ave W (from 215th St SW to approximately 260 feet south of 212th St SW)

Replace approximately 565 feet of existing 8-inch cast iron water main pipe with new 12-inch ductile iron pipe. Work will also include installation of one new fire hydrant, six new valves, meter boxes, new meters and new water meter services throughout.

Schedule A

  • Pine St (from C Ave S to 98th Ave W), 98th Ave W (from 214th Pl SW to 216th Pl SW), 214th Pl SW (from 98th Ave W to 96th Ave W) and 216th Pl SW (from 98th Ave W to 96th Ave W)

Replace approximately 2,885 feet of existing 4-inch and 6-inch cast iron water main pipe with 8-inch, 6-inch and 4-inch ductile iron pipe. Work will also include installation of four new fire hydrants, twenty-two new valves, new meter boxes, new meters and new water services throughout.

Schedule B

  • Bell St (from Olympic Ave, extending approximately 450 feet west)

Replace approximately 430 feet of existing 4-inch ductile iron and cast iron water main pipe with new 4-inch and 8-inch ductile iron pipe. Work will also include installation of two new fire hydrants, fire new valves, new meter boxes, new meters and new water meter services throughout.

Schedule D


  • 5/10/2021 - 6/5/2021

Pine St (from C Ave S to 98th Ave W), 98th Ave W (from 214th Pl SW to 216th Pl SW), 214th Pl SW (from 98th Ave W to 96th Ave W) and 216th Pl SW (from 98th Ave W to 96th Ave W)

  • 6/10/2021 - 7/8/2021

Bell St (from Olympic Ave, extending approximately 450 feet west)

  • 6/29/2021 - 7/26/2021

76th Ave W (from 215th St SW to approximately 260 feet south of 212th St SW)


The estimated total cost for the construction work is $1,522,682. Funding will come from the City's Fund No. 421 (water). 


Jaime Hawkins

Capital Projects Manager
425-771-0220 x1714 (office)
425-754-4106 (cell)
[email protected]