
Donation Opportunities

Celebration of Lights click here

Edmonds Youth Scholarship Fund
The Youth Scholarship Fund enables Edmonds' children, ages 18 and under, to participate in Edmonds Parks & Recreation programs that wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity. Invest in youth and give the gift of recreation by lending a helping hand. The Celebration of Lights program and individual donations supports the Youth Scholarship Fund. Send your donations to City of Edmonds, Youth Scholarship Fund, 700 Main Street, Edmonds, WA 98020. Application

Gifts Catalog Fund - Memorial Bench Program & More

Memorialize a park bench or picnic table for $4,000 for a 20-year partnership. The amount covers purchase of the bench or picnic table and 20 years of maintenance. Benches are available with single or double plaques (add $350 for the second plaque). Complete this form to be added to the memorial bench waitlist and to hear about current availabilities throughout Edmonds. 

Parks Donations

The City of Edmonds accepts private donations to support individual parks and programs. These donations will be kept in a separate fund with the interest being used to support the programs in accordance with the donor's wishes. Other charitable gifts such as stocks, life insurance, bequests in wills, or gift annuities are accepted. To make a donation call 425-771-0232 or email [email protected]

Flower Basket Pole Program
The City of Edmonds Arts Commission started a program in 2010 to replace the existing flower basket poles. Unique artwork will be installed on the top of each pole creating a gallery of small sculptural elements along Edmonds' downtown streets and providing visual interest during the months without flower baskets. Donors are invited to purchase a unique flower basket pole to commemorate or honor a person or organization with a small plaque. The tax deductible donation is $2000. For more information call 425.771.0228 or email [email protected].

Adopt-A-Flower Basket Program (click here)

Adopt-A-Corner Park Program (click here)

Memorial Fir Trees
Living fir trees are available to memorialize for a $150 donation each fall. These trees are strung with lights during the holiday season and placed outside of City Hall or the Frances Anderson Center. A laminated sign with your choice of words is placed at the base of the tree and a small permanent plate will be placed on the Memorial Plaque inside the Frances Anderson Center. After the holiday season the trees are planted in the interior of Pine Ridge Park. For more information call 425.771.0231. Purchase deadline is mid-November. FORM

Street Trees (no tree sites available at this time) For information call 425.771.0232.

Celebration of Lights

Each November the Celebration of Lights program provides an opportunity to light a light for someone you love, something you wish for, or in remembrance of a loved one. Donations are $5 per light. A living fir tree strung with lights is placed near the entrance of the Frances Anderson Center and all donor names are noted on the main floor bulletin board. Additional donor dollars receive stars next to name. Donations benefit the Edmonds Youth Scholarship Fund. Contact 425.771.0230 for more information or download a donation form here.

Sponsor an Event
Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Human Services hosts a variety of family events. Sponsorship opportunities for the following events: Outdoor Movie Nites, Sweetheart Dance, Gingerbread Night, Bird Fest and Write on the Sound Writers' Conference. To sponsor an event contact 425.771.0230 or [email protected].