
Pickleballvolley ball collageBasketball League

Youth Athletics
Many local non-city community based youth sports organizations play on ball fields in city parks.

Visit their websites below for more information on how to participate.

Adult Athletics
Full team fee due at registration. Register at 425.771.0230. Visit for more information. To be added to the individual's list, contact Todd Cort at [email protected] or 425.771.0229.

Tennis/Pickleball Courts
Courts open during park hours, first come first served at Civic Center Playfield, Yost Park and Seaview Park. Limited availability during summer tennis program.

The City of Edmonds complies with the State of Washington's "Fair Play in Community Sports Acts" (Laws of Washington Chapter 467, effective July 26, 2009) that prohibits discrimination against any person in a community athletics program on the basis of sex.

Athletic Leagues