Neighborhood Centers and Hubs


In response to predicted growth and the increasing demand for housing, as part of the 2024 comprehensive Plan update, the City is committed to establishing vibrant neighborhood centers and hubs that will accommodate additional housing units for very low- to moderate-income levels, as well as promote the development of commercial and mixed-use spaces. These areas will serve as essential focal points for community interaction, local businesses, community amenities, services and accessible housing options.

Both Centers and Hubs are underutilized areas with existing commercial and multi family units targeted for redevelopment to align with community goals and enhance the public realm. Some of the Key characteristics of the neighborhood centers and hubs are

  • Commercial and Mixed Use: Provide a mix of retail, commercial, and services to a variety of areas in the City. Hubs offer a relatively small scale retail/commercial businesses and mixed use developments compared to centers.
  • Complementary Uses: Enable compact building forms, providing the ability to accomplish many daily tasks without a car.
  • Vibrant: Create a town-center atmosphere, with larger open spaces and walkable streetscapes enhancing the sense of community.
  • Public Realm: Offer opportunities for public art and areas for festivals and other civic activities.
  • Range of Housing Choices: Enable diverse housing options for current and future residents of Edmonds, including senior- and family-oriented mid rise and mixed-use multifamily buildings. Hubs might only featuring low-rise apartments or missing middle housing to accommodate various resident needs.
  • Transit Accessible: Conveniently located with robust transit access. Positioned to ensure good multimodal access, including existing transit services.

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Location Maps/ Area Details:

Click here to view the conceptual location map.

Click here to view the area details.

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Interim Ordinance

To guide the development of the proposed Centers and Hubs, a new set of development standards/regulations shall be put in place. These updated development codes are designed to support the anticipated growth while ensuring that the needs of current and future residents are met in a sustainable, equitable manner.
The updated codes are due for completion by December 2024.

However, due to the comprehensive nature of the required changes, it is not feasible to adopt these regulations immediately. To ensure compliance with state law in the interim, the City Council has adopted an interim ordinance that will remain in effect temporarily( no longer than 6 months i.e until June 2025).

Click here to view the adopted Interim Ordinance

View a simplified presentation of the interim ordinance

regarding the The interim ordinance proposes basic regulations that are generally applicable to all neighborhood centers and hubs. However, as part of the process for developing a long-term ordinance, specific requirements and standards may be tailored to address the unique characteristics of individual centers and hubs.

Over the next few months, City staff will be working on developing a long-term ordinance by refining and revising the current code. 

This process will include gathering valuable input from the community, the Planning Board, and the City Council to ensure the regulations reflect the needs and goals of all stakeholders. Several meetings, engagement activities and opportunities are scheduled over the next few months.

Tentative schedule NCH

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