(Edmonds - WA) Thinking of putting in a rain garden but don’t know where to begin? Join staff from the City of Edmonds to explore residential rain gardens along Third Avenue on October 9th from 9:30 – 11:30am. Using the Rain Garden Handbook for Western Washington as a guide, we’ll explore the process of designing, building and maintaining a rain garden, and see examples of key principles at work.
Rain gardens have become an important tool in protecting water quality in Western Washington, where toxins from stormwater runoff is estimated to account for 75% of pollution in the Puget Sound. As our region grows, native forests and soils that would typically absorb, store, and filter rainfall are replaced with roads, rooftops, and other hard surfaces. When it rains, water flows from these hard surfaces carrying oil, fertilizers, pesticides and other pollutants directly into our streams and the Puget Sound. You can help reduce the amount of stormwater and pollutants coming from your property by installing a rain garden.
The City of Edmonds has been installing rain gardens to help manage stormwater since 2015, and has lots of resources to share with home owners who are considering joining this growing movement. Tour participants will receive a copy of the Rain Garden Handbook for Western Washington to take home, and a list of local resources including a map of rain gardens in Edmonds that they can visit on their own. The event is free, but RSVPs are required.
Group size is limited and all participants will be required to follow current COVID safety guidelines including masking and distancing. To learn more or reserve your spot, please email
[email protected].