Highway 99 Landmark Site

The City of Edmonds has an exciting opportunity to enter into an option purchase 10+ acres in the southern Highway 99 corridor of the City. This option to purchase gives the City the ability to “hold” the property while we develop a community vision for it and determine if we wish to go through with the sale. This property gives the community a number of exciting options to address issues in the area brought up over several years by residents, staff, and elected officials including housing, open space, retail, and city services. 

 Landmark Site Map

Multiple separate parcels, one owner

 Approximately 10 acres

 Preliminary Zoning Memo defines:

• Allowable uses

• Bulk zoning standards

• Site specific streetscape standards

• Provides massing options


Community Engagement

The city extended an invitation to the public to express their opinions on the Landmark 99 opportunity. Two meetings have already taken place, featuring presentations, insights from a community poll, and potential master planning alternatives for the location. During these sessions, community members were encouraged to participate in small group discussions, facilitating conversations on potential uses, offering input on design options, and addressing other concerns.

Master Plan - Conceptual Design Options

During our initial public gathering, the community emphasized its foremost preferences, which include a community center, a recreational facility, retail and dining establishments, and a police annex. There is a notable inclination towards the creation of outdoor gathering spaces, a Public Plaza, Festival streets, and a walkable environment. In response to these priorities, three draft design options were introduced at the second community meeting.

The three conceptual frameworks for potential property development are Town Square, Village Green, and Neighborhood. 

The Town Square concept offers a pedestrian promenade along with facilities including an Aquatic -Recreational Center, Community Center, a  Library, a Police Annex, an amphitheater , ground floor retail with mixed use Live-Work-Play units within the apartments and townhomes. 

The Village Green plan has an open green space at its heart, and could host street fairs, farmers’ markets, and similar events. It also includes a police annex, a library, and a recreation/aquatics center combined with housing.

The Neighborhood
concept offers more housing options including three-floor walkups and cottage housing, along with retail space, a library and a police annex.

Master Plan Alternatives can be viewed here.

To access the complete presentations, please click on the below

First Community Conversation - Oct 21st 

 Second Community Conversation - Nov 18th 

Council Meetings


On November 28th, a Public Hearing was conducted, during which the community voiced their support or concerns regarding the project. Council members received input from residents, who testified both in person and remotely. Opinions varied, with some expressing opposition to the notion of contemplating a substantial purchase given Edmonds' significant budgetary constraints in 2024. On the other hand, there were voices advocating for the city to allocate resources to an area that has been neglected for an extended period. Residents from the Highway 99 neighborhood, in particular, displayed fervent enthusiasm for the advancement of the project.

By a 4-3 vote, the Edmonds City Council Tuesday night decided to continue exploring whether the city should acquire the $37 million Landmark 99 property.

The Council decision authorizes the city to sign amendments to the June option agreement, setting in motion several actions to further determine the project’s feasibility. These include:

1. Advertising a request for proposals (RFP) to the development community seeking a partner in the purchase and construction of the site.

2. Selecting a partner, or partners.

3. Continuing to develop a master plan for the site.

4. Negotiating a development agreement that outlines the terms and the public benefits.

5. Negotiating the assignment of a portion of the city’s right to purchase to the developer or developers.

6. Developing and securing approval for, a financing plan based off the items negotiated in the development agreement and any net costs.

To watch the full Council Meetings , please click here 


Staff's presentation to the Council on 28th November can be found here.


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