What is Transportation Element?
The Washington State Growth Management Act specifies transportation as a required element of a comprehensive plan. GMA requires that transportation planning and system development support the broader, long-range goals for community development.
Transportation Element is part of the overall Comprehensive Plan update. Click below to view the final adopted document.
Final Comprehensive Plan—Adopted December 17, 2024
The transportation element must implement and be consistent with the land use element.
The transportation element includes the following statutory sub-elements:
- Land use assumptions used in estimating travel
- Estimated traffic impacts
- Facilities and service needs, including an inventory of transportation facilities and services
- Level of service standards,
- Actions for bringing locally owned transportation facilities or services into compliance,
- Forecasts of traffic for at least 10 years, and
- Identification of state and local system needs to meet current and future demands
- Finance, including a multiyear financing plan
- Intergovernmental coordination efforts
- Demand management strategies and
- Pedestrian and bicycle component
The Transportation Plan needs to be in compliance with the state, regional and county level legislation.