Community Feedback

Community Feedback


Request Type *

Compliment General Request Complaint

Your Name *

Your Email *

Address *

City *

State *

Zip Code *

Phone *

Work Phone

Incident Date *

Incident Time *

Employee Name
(if known)

Nature of Incident *

"I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct."

Digital Signature *

Do you wish to be notified of the findings of investigation?

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 Yes  No

Security Measure

Edmonds Police Department

250 5th Ave N.
Edmonds, WA 98020
425-771-0200 (voice)
425-771-0208 (fax)

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-4:00

For In Progress Emergencies

CALL 911

For Non-Emergency police response or
to file a police report

CALL 425-407-3999

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