Disaster Preparedness

The Puget Sound region, while being one of the most beautiful places to live, is not immune from the dangers of natural disasters. In fact, our region ranks high for the chance of a disaster. Earthquakes, flooding, landslides and winter storms can all create hazards and community chaos.

The City of Edmonds has a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) in place for such disasters. The city is committed to being prepared and providing resources should any disasters occur. We have an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The EOC is a central command and control facility established to identify damage and hazards, assess potential risk to the community, identify needs, provide shelter, etc.

Preparing for an Emergency

Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and the losses that accompany disasters. Communities, families and individuals should know what to do, where to seek shelter, be prepared to evacuate their home and know how to care for their basic medical needs. It is also very important to have a communication plan in place with your family members. Telephones, cell phones and internet may or may not be operational.

As an Individual - You have a responsibility to protect yourself and your family by knowing what to do before, during and after an event. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone immediately. You could get help in hours, or it might take days. Disaster supply kits should be prepared for your home, work and vehicles. Your supply kit should contain essential food, water and supplies for at least three days.

As a Community - Most emergencies are handled at the local level, which puts a tremendous responsibility on the community for taking care of it's residents. The local level team is made up of paid city employees and volunteers from the private and public sectors. During a disaster, the City Police Department becomes the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). During a large scale disaster, it will be imperative that we take care of our neighbors and help each other out. City resources will be stretched thin, but if we all chip in, the recovery process will go much smoother.

Making a Plan and Other Resources

The most important thing you can do is be prepared ahead of time. Have plans for your family in case a natural disaster hits. After the disaster strikes is not the time to try and figure things out!

Have supplies on hand. You need to be prepared in case utilities (water, power, phones) are knocked out. Roads may be impassible, leaving you stranded at home for several days. Have emergency supplies such as flashlights, batteries and an AM/FM radio (that will run off batteries) ready. Make sure you have enough food and water for you and your family on hand.

There are many local, state and federal entities that offer good resources for preparing for a disaster. We have links to them below:


In case of a disaster, tune into local television and radio for information. The city will also release information on this website, as well as the city's Twitter and Facebook pages.

You can find information about power outages by visiting Snohomish County PUD at http://www.snopud.com/

Edmonds Police Department

250 5th Ave N.
Edmonds, WA 98020
425-771-0200 (voice)
425-771-0208 (fax)

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-4:00

For In Progress Emergencies

CALL 911

For Non-Emergency police response or
to file a police report

CALL 425-407-3999

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