Anonymous Tip

City of Edmonds Police

This page is for members of the public to submit anonymous tips on criminal activity for the City of Edmonds.  All tips provided here are kept confidential.  Name and contact information are OPTIONAL and are NOT required.

Crime Reports are not taken via the tip reporting tool.

For in progress emergencies - CALL 911

For Non-Emergencies or to file a police report - CALL (425) 407-3999

To file a police report online (certain offenses) - CLICK HERE

Tips may also be submitted to Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound for Edmonds cases. - CLICK HERE

Anonymous Tip

Where did the incident occur?

  • *

Date & Time?

  • *

If you know the police case report number, please provide here.

Please provide as much information as you possibly can about the tip you are providing. Anything that you feel is important to share is helpful.

  • *


Can we contact you in case we have more questions?

By checking the box below, I acknowledge that the information I am submitting to the City of Edmonds is a public record, as defined by the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56. Accordingly, should the City of Edmonds receive a public records request to which this record is responsive, the City of Edmonds shall disclose it unless otherwise exempt. *


Security Measure

Edmonds Police Department

250 5th Ave N.
Edmonds, WA 98020
425-771-0200 (voice)
425-771-0208 (fax)

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-4:00

For In Progress Emergencies

CALL 911

For Non-Emergency police response or
to file a police report

CALL 425-407-3999

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