L.E.A.P. Free Scholarship Application

LEAP Free Scholarship Application

Free Scholarships are reserved for Edmonds residents who qualify for the Free or Reduced Lunch Program with the Edmonds School District or have experienced a hardship due to COVID-19. Please fill out this application to start the enrollment process. We will respond to your application within 48 business hours. Please call our office if you have any questions or concerns, 425-967-2063.

Parent/Guardian First Name(*)
Parent/Guardian Last Name(*)
Contact Phone(*)
Contact Email(*)
Child's First Name(*)
Child's Last Name(*)
Zip Code(*)
Child's Grade(*)2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade
Child's Birthdate(*) / /
Please list names of who is authorized to pick up and drop off your child from camp(*)
Will your child be participating in AM Care (7am-8:30am)?(*) Yes No
Will your child be participating in PM Care (4:30pm-6pm)?(*) Yes No
Please read and click acknowledgement button: Mask Policy(*) I acknowledge my child will be asked to wear a mask while inside the building and will outside if 6’ of social distancing cannot be achieved.
Please read and click acknowledgement button: Health Questionnaire(*) I acknowledge that I will be asked a series of health related questions regarding my child's health prior to dropping them off and if symptoms of COVID-19 are present I will not be allowed to drop off my child.
Please read and click acknowledgement button: Symptom Development(*) I acknowledge If my child develops COVID-19 symptoms while at camp I understand that I will need to pick them up as quickly as possible.
Please read and click acknowledgement button: Pick up/Drop off(*) I acknowledge that drop off and pick up will take place outside the building and as a parent / guardian I will make my best effort to remain outside of the building.
Please explain your harship incurred due to COVID-19
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